The CEO of the team confirmed on Saturday that Joshua Shaw, a 27-year-old carpenter, passed away on June 17 following an incident at the Green Bay Packers stadium on June 15.
Sadly, a recent tragedy in the north end zone scoreboard claimed the life of Mavid Construction carpenter Joshua Shaw. The CEO, Mark Murphy, stated, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and fellow workers.”Ryan Keeler, a football player for UNLV, died at age 20. We’re inconsolable
According to WBAY reporting, Shaw passed away two days after suffering injuries in the event.
The group has not provided any more information regarding the event that resulted in Shaw’s demise.
Murphy did, however, note that USA Today says that the stadium is “now undergoing renovations, with new and bigger video boards being installed.”Football’s “Dirtiest Player,” former guard Conrad Dobler of the Arizona Cardinals, passed away at age 72.
At Mavid Construction, a subcontractor for Miron Constriction, Shaw was employed with his father and elder brother.
The following statement was provided by Miron to WBAY: “We are extremely sorry to inform you that the worker employed by Mavid Construction, one of our subcontractors, who was engaged in a serious incident on Thursday, June 15, on our Lambeau Field project site, has passed away from his injuries. Our deepest thoughts go out to his friends, family, teammates, and everybody else who has been touched by this tragic event.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has reportedly launched an investigation into the event that occurred in the construction zone; the probe could take up to six months to finish.Tim McCarver, 81, was a Hall of Fame baseball player and announcer.
According to WBAY, Shaw’s family disclosed that the carpenter had registered as an organ donor.
Shaw gave his heart, liver, and lungs—all three essential organs—to HSHS St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay on June 20.