In a devastating turn of events, a fire has ravaged one of the most beloved and iconic restaurants on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. The blaze, which broke out late on the night of December 20, 2024, has left the community and patrons heartbroken. The establishment, known for its breathtaking views, locally sourced seafood, and rich history, has been a staple of the Outer Banks for decades.
The fire was first reported by local authorities at around 11:30 p.m. when thick smoke was seen billowing from the restaurant’s roof. Firefighters from surrounding areas responded quickly, working through the night to contain the flames. Despite their efforts, the building sustained significant damage. By the time the fire was fully extinguished, much of the structure had been destroyed, and the building’s interior was nearly unrecognizable. Local fire officials have confirmed that the fire appears to have started in the kitchen, though the exact cause is still under investigation.
As investigations into the fire continue, local authorities are urging anyone with information about the incident to come forward. Meanwhile, plans are already underway to host a benefit event in support of the restaurant’s employees, with local chefs and artists planning to donate their services for the cause
The road to recovery will be a long one, but with the continued support of the Outer Banks community and its visitors, there is hope that the restaurant will rise from the ashes, just as the community has done count